Mozilla, the maker of the Firefox browser has delivered a way to switch to Firefox easily and help users establish Firefox as their default browser choice on Windows.

When the average PC user wants to use an alternative web browser, they need to search settings for the default apps section in order to set Firefox or another browser as their default. Mozilla thinks that Microsoft might be trying to make the process harder than it needs to be and has reverse engineered how Microsoft sets Edge as the default browser in Windows. Mozilla’s solution in Firefox version 91 enables you to set Firefox as the default with one click right from within the browser with no additional prompts.

Mozilla is actually circumventing Microsoft’s anti-hijacking protections that Microsoft built into Windows 10 in an effort to put Firefox on equal footing with Edge in terms of user choice. This may be a move to avoid the more cumbersome process of setting alternative browsers the default in Windows 11. We will have to wait and see if other browser from Google, Brave and others follow suit to help users more easily establish their default browser of choice in Windows 11 in the future.


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